Count Me In!
Holy Communion offers many areas in which to serve, both within the congregation and outside, serving members and our neighbors in the community.
If you’d like to serve, please contact the office directly at 262-632-8802 or complete the Contact Us form on our website.
Diaper Ministry
The Diaper Ministry opened for the first time on September 25th. That night sixteen clients were served and six volunteers were trained. We continue to get new clients each time we are open. If you know of anyone who is having difficulty affording diapers, please tell them they can come and receive free diapers here!
Infant and children's diapers will be available in sizes newborn through 5T. An adult will be required to provide the following information.
- First and Last name of the adult or adults who will pick up diapers.
- Birth certificates or proof of name and birthdate birthdate of children receiving diapers.
The following information will be collected for the purpose of applying for grants:
- Gender
- Racine/Ethnicity
Adult diapers will be available in sizes S/M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, and 4XL.. No birth certificate is required for adults. We do need:
- First and Last name
- Driver's license or utility bill to provide proof of address
- Gender
- Race/Ethnicity
Each child/adult will receive 20-50 diapers (depending on the size) and a package of wipes. Clients can return every two weeks.
We will be open on the second Wednesday from 11am - 1pm, and the fourth Wednesday from 4:pm - 6pm. Dates for the next few months are:
March 12 11am-1pm
March 26 4pm-6pm
April 9 11am-1pm
April 23 4pm-6pm
May 14 - 11am-1pm
May 28 - 4pm-6pm
Please call the church office with questions: 262-632-8802
Food Pantry
Holy Communion’s food pantry has been in operation since 1977. It is open on Monday and Friday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Our mission is to feed the hungry and we strive to treat all people fairly and with dignity and respect.
We are one of the busier food pantries in Racine, serving many families every week with the help and hard work of many dedicated volunteers. Our food pantry volunteers make it possible for us to handle a high volume of clients and we could not continue this ministry without them!
The first Sunday of every month is Food Pantry Sunday. We ask that you consider making a monetary or food donation. There are special envelopes in the pews for food pantry donations or you can ask an usher for an envelope. All monetary donations are used to purchase food for our clients and we are very grateful for the generosity of our congregation and the community.
In addition to monetary and food donations, the food pantry can always use large, brown paper shopping bags and clean, lightly used plastic shopping bags.
The Holy Communion food pantry is an Equal Opportunity Provider.
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday morning worship offers many opportunities to serve. Whether you’re musically talented (choirs, worship assistant) or simply prefer meeting new people (greeters, ushers), you’ll find new ways to experience the joy of actively participating in the worship service.
Volunteering during Sunday mornings is a rewarding way to meet our members and guests and many of our worship participants say that it offers an intimacy with God that enriches their lives.
- Adult Choir
- Bell Choir
- Greeters
- Communion Assistant
- Lector (Reader)
- Assisting Minister
- Usher Team
- Sound/Video System
- Altar Guild
The Adult Choir sings on most Sundays. Under the musical direction of Greg Berg, the choir sings a varied mix of musical selections, many of them written by Greg himself! Choir practices are Thursday evenings at 7:30pm in the choir room located in the Parish House. ALL are welcome!